Thursday, October 23, 2008

Learning Curve

I am feeling kind of proud of myself . I have been adding
things to my blog page, and doing it without having to ask
anyone for help. I joined Twitter yesterday. Added my
a few of my favorite things from Etsy. I say this with pride
because I usually have to call my sister Bev or Heather for
some kind of help. I am not very savvy when it comes to my
computer. Now all I need to do is get my Etsy store going.
I know I'm procrastinating, THAT is the thing I do very well.
Speaking of new and Etsy, Humblebeads has a new series of
beads she's posted. They are just beautiful! The Lily and Lanterns
and Garden Lanterns. Go look at them, buy them all up quickly.
That way I won't feel like I'm missing anything. I told myself I wasn't
buying anything from the Internet for a whole week.
That means till next Monday...what was I thinking?I'll just go
make something nice and purty and stay off the puter!


  1. Rosanne I love all the great things you have added to your blog!
    I so excited about your etsy shop. procrastinating there are people who want to shop at fabfibers. I can't wait to see all your fab fabfibers on etsy.

  2. Hey thanks! I'm working on it this weekend. Seeing how it won't be one to be outside in.
